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Alt 05-13-2011, 17:10   #201
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HaArP Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
U're right my dearly sister... You wrote simply what I explained details...
my dearly brother .... I hold a grudge trove of those who believe they are struggling for the sake of Allah and they are doing the opposite ...
sirine.l isimli Üye şimdilik offline konumundadır   Alıntı ile Cevapla
Alt 05-13-2011, 17:17   #202
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Praise be to Allah, Who Protected Me
if allah didn't protect me, I'm now among the dead..
Because young people didn't understand the true meaning of Jihad
sirine.l isimli Üye şimdilik offline konumundadır   Alıntı ile Cevapla
Alt 05-13-2011, 17:27   #203
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HaArP Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
I think u undertand my points about islam measurements...
it's good ,
non-Muslim, who did not attack us...
is innocent or not

soldier who is not fighting us
is innocent or not?
sirine.l isimli Üye şimdilik offline konumundadır   Alıntı ile Cevapla
Alt 05-13-2011, 17:54   #204
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sirine.l Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
it's good ,

non-Muslim, who did not attack us...
is innocent or not
soldier who is not fighting us

is innocent or not?
u're asking specific questions... But first i think u must understand what i explain u ! i think u don't understand...

so my answer the same known... non-muslim who did not attack ! he or she Innocent !

soldier who is not fighting us ! Agreements is important about that ! He is innocent but for Cihad of Kelimetullah is not innocent circle for that case !!!
HaArP isimli Üye şimdilik offline konumundadır   Alıntı ile Cevapla
Alt 05-13-2011, 18:39   #205
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no, believe me, I understand what you say from the beginning of the dialogue until the moment ..
I understand every word you wrote here ...
do you know that supporters of Osama active in Muslim countries ?
do you know they are killing their fellow Muslims in the name of Islam?

I offer my apologies to you,
I know that I am greatly disturbed you by my question
Excuse me
sirine.l isimli Üye şimdilik offline konumundadır   Alıntı ile Cevapla
Alt 05-13-2011, 18:58   #206
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No excuse except Allah... i'm happy that u understand clearly...

do you know that supporters of Osama active in Muslim countries ?

It's seems like that osama's man but i think i'ts a lie... Because at this moment they're Afganistan and Palestine and Sudan and Yemen... If we talk about supporter active or not ! i think yeah

do you know they are killing their fellow Muslims in the name of Islam?

No... Big lie...
HaArP isimli Üye şimdilik offline konumundadır   Alıntı ile Cevapla
Alt 05-13-2011, 19:20   #207
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Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
No... Big lie...[/FONT]
What do you say?
It's not a lie but what I have said is the truth...

Followers of Osama put bombs in police stations...
who are in the police stations?
He was my brother,my cousins .....

Who are in police or gendarmerie performing national duty
What is their fault

sirine.l isimli Üye şimdilik offline konumundadır   Alıntı ile Cevapla
Alt 05-13-2011, 19:25   #208
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sirine.l Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
What do you say?

It's not a lie but what I have said is the truth...
Followers of Osama put bombs in police stations...
who are in the police stations?
He was my brother,my cousins .....
Who are in police or gendarmerie performing national duty
What is their fault

Do u ever hear Blackwater ?

Do u know cia-mossad are working how ?
HaArP isimli Üye şimdilik offline konumundadır   Alıntı ile Cevapla
Alt 05-13-2011, 19:30   #209
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What is my fault I also?
I was once in my car and I passed on the police station
Seeing then I see the bodies and blood in the streets
I was very scared
I will never forgive them
please dearly brother, don't defend them, you don't know them
Search more and you'll find the truth
sirine.l isimli Üye şimdilik offline konumundadır   Alıntı ile Cevapla
Alt 05-13-2011, 19:38   #210
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sirine.l Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
What is my fault I also?

I was once in my car and I passed on the police station
Seeing then I see the bodies and blood in the streets
I was very scared
I will never forgive them
please dearly brother, don't defend them, you don't know them

Search more and you'll find the truth

I'm sorry for that im so sorry to telling u this object but we are as a muslim we must ready for our faith... We only fear the Allah u know that... Allah takes the lives that we believe this... Suffer sometimes forgetting this !

We must say the truth... The Truth is Osama and mans are not responsible for that !

Do u know Osama send mans to algeria for Cihad of Kelimetullah... But America isn't let the Islam Sheria go on ! Stop America ordered Saudi and sent Algeria 4 billions dollars to stop Islam ! Did u knoe that !

i understand u exactly your suffer is so much... But our faith is not important like Islam faith...

If u want i can change the subject
HaArP isimli Üye şimdilik offline konumundadır   Alıntı ile Cevapla

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