AK Gençliğin Buluşma Noktası
Alt 07-25-2011, 20:18   #31
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ibocan Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
I just use google translate :::http://translate.google.com.tr/?hl=tr&tab=wT
I am using the translation there ..If you want you can use
i think that you know the arabic language and you recognize that you're using google translate.
i can't use it because he committed many mistakes in the formulation of sentences.
i refer to it sometimes to translate only the difficult terms .
thank you once againe my brother ibocan
sirine.l isimli Üye şimdilik offline konumundadır   Alıntı ile Cevapla
Alt 07-25-2011, 20:31   #32
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cihannur uluslararasi da yaptin ya bunu...
dahada bisey demem
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Alt 07-26-2011, 05:09   #33
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unnamed Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
cihannur uluslararasi da yaptin ya bunu...
dahada bisey demem
AK Parti'nin dertlere derman olduğunu dünyaya duyuruyoruz.
Cihannur isimli Üye şimdilik offline konumundadır   Alıntı ile Cevapla
Alt 07-26-2011, 05:10   #34
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Turkey is secular,will stay secular ccc...

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Alt 07-26-2011, 05:14   #35
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Özgür Çağrı
Down with the lackeys of the Zionist and their assistants. Islamic unity is our only ground. One God and his prophets to be from the community of faith is enough for our objectives to provide the necessary unity. Greet you with love and reverence,
God be your assistant.
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Alt 07-26-2011, 16:29   #36
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Politics always cheat us... I don't think so...! U.s wants to Israil and Turkey relation together to manage middle east ! Do u really have to forcing see the truth ! Or imagines are better than reals !!!
HaArP isimli Üye şimdilik offline konumundadır   Alıntı ile Cevapla
Alt 07-26-2011, 19:21   #37
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HaArP Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
Politics always cheat us... I don't think so...! U.s wants to Israil and Turkey relation together to manage middle east ! Do u really have to forcing see the truth ! Or imagines are better than reals !!!
as i told you before my dearly brother haArP ,changes comes step by step,
politic can't cheat us, if we are the best to deal with it, believe me
in the example the Turkish experience
so far there are who don't believe in the need to cut ties with zionist ;'' in turkey'' ,

i'm sure that you know what I mean, I can't write it here, and you know why,,

a sincere tribute to your heart who is full of imen
sirine.l isimli Üye şimdilik offline konumundadır   Alıntı ile Cevapla
Alt 07-26-2011, 19:43   #38
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Furkanca Bakış Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
Down with the lackeys of the Zionist and their assistants. Islamic unity is our only ground. One God and his prophets to be from the community of faith is enough for our objectives to provide the necessary unity. Greet you with love and reverence,
God be your assistant.
islamic unity is what we hope ,
we will worktogether to achieve what we want '' incha allah '' .
allah is with us if we move to the right and we are going by the right ..

islamic renaissance visible in ummeh '' hamdu lillah ''
increase our du'ae and we work of course...
allah bless you Furkanca Bakış
sirine.l isimli Üye şimdilik offline konumundadır   Alıntı ile Cevapla

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