01-20-2012, 19:56 | #1 |
Zaman'dan Hizbullah'a 'Gavurca' Niteleme
Gülen Grubu bünyesinde İngilizce yayın yapan Today Zaman gazetesi, Hizbullah'a -ecdadımızın müslüman olmayanlar için kullandığı- 'Gavur'ların Ahmet Davutoğlu'nun Almanya gezisinde büyük öfke duyduğu "fundamentalist Islamist terrorist" sözlerle nitelendirdi.
Hürseda Haber Merkezi- Today Zaman yazarlarından Lale Kemal'in 18.01.2012 tarihinde yayınlanan makalesinde sarf ettiği kelimelere Ahmet Davutoğlu ne der bilinmez, ancak Lale Kamal'in ABD ve İsrail'deki dostlarının işini kolaylaştırarak Hizbullah Manifestosundan haberdar etme gayesiyle kaleme aldığı tahmin edilen makaledeki gavurca nitelemeler büyük tepki çekeceğe benziyor. Makalede dikkat bir başka husus ise, Hizbullah Cemaati için, "fundamentalist Islamist terrorist" hakaretinde bulunan Lale Hanım’ın, Gülen grubuna bağlı bilumum yayın organlarının PKK için ağızlarda sakız gibi kullandığı "Terör örgütü", "Bölücü örgüt" vb kelimeleri kullanmaktan imtina ederek, yine gavurların deyimiyle "Kurdistan Workers’ Party (Kürdistan İşçi Partisi)" tabirini kullanması oldu. İşte söz konusu kelimeler belirgin olduğundan çevirme gereği duymadığımız makalenin tamamı... "Turkish Hizbullah back on the scene" Turkey’s Hizbullah, an extreme fundamentalist Islamist terrorist organization, released a manifesto last Tuesday outlining its policy that called for Kurds to be governed by Islamic law. This manifesto has marked Hizbullah’s return to the scene after more than 10 years of silence. The manifesto was released on the 12th anniversary of the killing of Hizbullah leader Hüseyin Velioğlu, after police raided the house in İstanbul where he was hiding. Hizbullah has been blamed for killing around 150 people and leaving hundreds wounded. Although not linked to the Hezbollah of Lebanon, the Turkish Hizbullah has links to the Iranian group of the same name and is mainly inspired by its Iranian counterpart. The manifesto was released on Hizbullah’s website “Hüseynisevda” and signed by Edip Gümüş, a senior member of the organization. The majority of the nine senior members of Hizbullah escaped from Turkey and are suspected to have found sanctuary in neighboring Iran and Syria after Turkey’s Supreme Court of Appeals released them last year. The releases took place after Article 102 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CMK), restricting long detention periods, came into force. Although the changes to the criminal code were known in advance, no court ruling was announced in the Hizbullah case prior to its going into effect. Instead, the top appeals court released several Hizbullah members, including Gümüş, following the implementation of Article 102. Twenty days after their release, the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Appeals made its final decision, sentencing Hizbullah defendants to life in prison. None of the accused, however, could be recaptured and an arrest warrant was issued for all Hizbullah fugitives. This is the bizarre state of the Turkish judicial system. Nevertheless, back in 2000, Velioğlu’s death was followed by massive operations launched against Hizbullah during which police arrested hundreds of Hizbullah members while uncovering many mass graves inside the grounds of safe houses. Video footage was released that showed Hizbullah’s victims, many of whom bore the marks of torture. Some were understood to have been buried alive, naked and with their hands and feet tied behind their back. Most of those were believed to be Islamists who had come into conflict with the organization. The bodies included those belonging to several Kurdish businessmen, believed to be linked to a moderate Islamic tariqat (religious order) known as the Nurcus. There were widespread reports they had been kidnapped by Hizbullah for refusing to give them money. Hizbullah stepped up its operations to fill the power vacuum in the mountains and rural areas after the arrest of Abdullah Öcalan, the imprisoned leader of outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), in 1999. Hizbullah is alleged to have been set up by the Turkish state with the intention of weakening the PKK in the mainly Kurdish southeastern parts of the country. Hizbullah is regarded as a violent extreme Islamic fundamentalist organization in Turkey seeking to install -- through the use of force, if necessary -- an Islamic regime based on the Islamic law in Muslim Turkey, a country defined as secular by its Constitution. The recent manifesto released by Hizbullah said: “The activities of the Hizbullah community will take place all over Turkey, while they will intensify mainly in northern Kurdistan (southeast Turkey). Hizbullah is of the opinion that all the options, including autonomy, a federation and independence for the Kurdish people, that might safeguard the Islamic values and human rights of Kurds, should be discussed. However, any solution should be based on the governance of the Kurds by Islamic law.” The Turkish police’s latest operations against the Kurdish Communities Union (KCK), an organization set up by the PKK, in which more than 100 Kurdish politicians, academics and journalists were arrested appear to have reduced the PKK’s influence in the Southeast. Taraf columnist Kurtuluş Tayiz stated in his article on Jan. 18 that since the PKK has now, to a certain extent, been brought under control in the region as a result of operations against the KCK, this might have created the right atmosphere for Hizbullah to return to the scene. Hizbullah’s manifesto does not hint that it will take up arms if necessary to reach the aforementioned goals. While there is no guarantee that Hizbullah will not take up arms again, even its ultimate goal of achieving Islamic Kurdish governance is alarming enough.
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01-20-2012, 20:54 | #2 |
Siz şimdi hangisine takıldınız fundamentalist'emi terörist'emi?
Konu Yıldırım tarafından (01-20-2012 Saat 20:59 ) değiştirilmiştir.. |
01-20-2012, 21:08 | #3 | |
Köşe Yazısının Türkçe'sini Koyalım
01-20-2012, 21:35 | #4 |
biz ona takılmadık fethullah hocanın çocukları takılı kalmış...
ayrıca Hizbullah gitmedi ki geri gelsin. ayrıca sanırım hayranı olduğu camiayıda takip etmiyorsunuz. mini etekli spikeri ile Hizbullah'ın din kisvesiden bahsediyordu ! ve daha neler.... bu okyanus ötesinin derdini anlamış değiliz. Hizbulah defalarca diğer cemaat, grup ve tarikatlarla sürtüşmeye girmek istemiyoruz diyor 15 yıldır gülenci medya peryodik olarak saldımaktadır. bide çıkar müslümanların hatasını aaştırmayın madem hatadır kendilerine söyleyin demeyi de ihmal etmiyorsunuz. yani işin kısacası takılan hizbullah değil gülen'in gençleri ve kızlarıdır. Konu Ammar tarafından (01-20-2012 Saat 21:46 ) değiştirilmiştir.. |
01-20-2012, 21:37 | #5 |
01-20-2012, 21:42 | #6 | |
01-20-2012, 21:44 | #7 |
01-20-2012, 21:47 | #8 |
01-20-2012, 22:11 | #9 |
01-20-2012, 22:17 | #10 | |
güttüğünüz kin bazen ağzınızdan çıkan kelimelerin haddini ölçemiyor... |
Konuyu Toplam 1 Üye okuyor. (0 Kayıtlı üye ve 1 Misafir) | |